Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Web Plan - Delivery Requirements

XHTML (eXtensive Hyper Text Markup Language) will be used as the starting point for building the web site and lays out the structure of the site. XHTML will be used for each page of the site.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) will be used to add style to the pages. This will be in many forms including laying out the site, adding background colours and setting the font.
CSS is also good for improving search engine ranking’s which would be good in a commercial situation.

PHP is an open source scripting language that can be embedded into HTML coding. A PHP script is executed on the server and returns the page on the browser as plain HTML. For this reason PHP will be combined with MySQL to create the web site and make the pages dynamic.

Owned by a single for-profit firm (MySQL AB) MySQL is an open source database using SQL (the most popular language for adding, accessing and processing databases). Because the software is open source it means that it can be downloaded by anyone and altered or tweaked to meet their needs (in accordance with the licence). For this reason MySQL will be combined with PHP to create the web site and make the pages dynamic.

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