Friday, 22 February 2008

Final Design

My final design is now uploaded.

Any feedback is once again appreciated.


Chris Towell said...

I assume it is the logo that is "to be confirmed"?

As for the site it looks a lot better than the previous screen designs.

I would however suggest making the 'News Archive' should be smaller in width and in text size. I think it would look better smaller as you want the Newest News articles to be more predominent.

I also assume you have more than 3 images as it doesn't look very professional that you are using the same image twice on the same page. As well I would suggest trying to add a border to the images as well and I don't know if you've noticed but the first (of 3 images) is a tad lower down than the other two.

I think you could do to use different colours as well if I remember correctly you have used Black and White before so it seems a bit like a safe colour scheme to go for. Try adding a bit more colour to it and possibly changing the header fonts as well.

Craig Allington said...

Cheers Chris.

It's the whole header which is to be confirmed, I do have the fabian font which the band uses as their logo but I'm thinking about doing something a bit different for the header.

Regarding the images. I have being in contact with Ben Kirby (The Subways manager) and Stuart Nichols (photographer) and have managed to get permission to use almost all official photos of the band so I've got quite a few.

The top image would probably be a single picture of all the band as well.

As I said on the forum, the colour scheme reflects the current official site which uses mainly black and white with the red, I may bring some colour in through the header yet but if not then I may experiment with few different colour schemes.

Craig Burgess said...

I think you should drop the black and white too, you use it on quite a lot of projects. Try something different!

It's no reason to use black and white just because their current site is in black and white. Be brave and try something off-kilter. You never know, you might like it.

Craig Allington said...

I've never noticed that I use black and white so much on projects, it's something I might look at again.

I'm going to try and create a header this weekend so hopefully there will be no need for the black and white design at all really but if not like I say I will experiment.